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Online tools για web sites

IE NetRender  Great online service that allows you to see how your page is displayed in different versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is really helpful if you need to test your web page in an older browser such as IE6, which had a lot of compatibility and other issues with CSS.

HTML Tidy - Simple and easy to use online tool that allows you to identify any HTML errors you may have on your page.

Google Webmaster Tools - A must for any Webmaster. With this free service you can identify any page or links with errors, scan for malware, find pages with short or missing titles, find duplicate meta tags, and much more.

W3C markup validation - The source to go to check HTML, XHTML or other markup language you use on your web page for errors.

W3C mobileOK Validator This checker performs various tests on a Web Page to determine its level of mobile-friendliness.

W3C CSS validation service - Fantastic service that will display any issues errors or compliance warnings you have with any CSS code.

WebPagetest - Our favorite tool for testing a web pages load time.

Browsershots - Excellent online tool to test how accessible your web page is in all of the Internet browsers.

HERA - Great page to verify if everyone regardless of any disability can view your page they may have.

mobiReady - By far the best site and service for checking how compatible your website or blog is when being viewed on a mobile device. This service not only gives you detailed information on why your website may or may not work but also gives live demos on how the page will load on different mobile devices.

Google Analytics - Fantastic free service offered by Google that gives you full details of the visitors visiting your website, what browsers they're using, where they're leaving, what they searched for, and much more. After making sure your website has no errors having this services is always a good idea to help identify any other problems the above services may have not identified.

jslint   The JavaScript Code Quality Tool

Online services that help you test Internet filtering in China – you will know if your site is accessible or restricted in China :

Website Pulse – Website Pulse conducts website connectivity test from a computer located in Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghaas

Watch Mouse – This service too has monitoring stations inside Hong Kong and Shanghai in China.

Just Ping – They have checkpoints inside Hong Kong and Shanghai in China.

WebPagetest How to measure flow timing via WebPagetest

Pagerank check the page rank

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